Leve 1: Muliticultural Wellness Education Training
Are you a Mental Health Professional, an Educator, a Youth Serving Professional, a Migrant a Refugee Serving Advocate, or a Professional committed to Health and Wellness Promotion? This training is for you!
Learning Objectives:
Demonstrate an understanding of post-traumatic stress disorder, secondary traumatic stress and chronic stress as these impact the body, mind, emotions and spirit of those affected by traumatic events.
- Demonstrate an understanding of Capacitar’s popular education approach to trauma healing using body-based practices to release blocked energy and to promote wellness in the body, mind and spirit.
- Use different modalities for lessening traumatic stress, including: mindfulness, centering, breathwork, modified Tai Chi & Pal Dal Gum acupressure for lowering stress and blood pressure.
- Demonstrate the principles, practice and application of modified Tai Chi for lowering stress, coping with anxiety & depression and promoting health and well-being.
- Use mindful breathing exercises to calm and center, to release strong feeling sand emotions, to self-regulate, and to improve health and well-being.
- Utilize, assess and promote the Capacitar trauma healing practices to different groups including those who have witnessed traumatic events, children, youth, families, and other groups such as teachers in schools.
- Explain different methods used in the trauma recovery process and the role of the group, organization & systems in the trauma recovery process.
40 Hours of CPU’s & CPE’s available for: Social Workers, Professional Counselors, and Educators
How long is the training: Training consists of 8 training days, broken down into 4 modules. Each module is taught for two consecutive days per month. Participants must complete all modules to receive certification.
Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 5
April 21-22 June 23-24 September 22-23 November 3-4
9am-3pm 9am-3pm 9am-3pm 9am-3pm
Modality: both in-person and via zoom available
Cost: $250 – Thanks to our partners at the Paso del Norte Health Foundation, training is provided at a significantly reduced rate. *early bird, student, and groups discounts available. Please email [email protected] for discount code.

Level 2- Advanced Formation
Level 2 requires completion of Level 1 Multicultural Wellness. MWET graduates will further expand their knowledge in Capacitar’s body-based wellness. Advanced formation includes learning techniques in self-care, anger, fear, and anxiety.
Cost: $100
Modality: both in-person and via zoom available
Schedule: 4 classes, half-day
Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4
Self-care Anger Fear Anxiety
March 4 May 13 August 12 October 21
8:30am-12pm 8:30am-12pm 8:30am-12pm 8:30am-12pm